The National Science Foundation has a resource bank of classroom activities sorted by topics from physics to computing to neuroscience. Each page has links to external resources for that topic. Note that a lot of the resources are geared at teachers and focus on lesson plans and curriculum, rather than materials for students. However, each …
PhET has over 130 free math and science simulations for students– and over 2000 lessons to go with them. Many of the simulations are available in multiple languages. The site provides simulations of hand-on science topics and be sorted by grade level, topic, and/or the device that the student is using. All are free and …
These fabulous occupational therapists created a Google doc of occupational therapy activities and links to sites with resources parents can use in the home. The activities are designed to be easy for parents to use- like a visual perceptual activity of sorting playing cards by suit and color.
Buffalo State’s School of Education has created a beautiful and well organized resource bank for school away from school. They have sample schedules for students and families, advice for parents on things like creating your new normal, and resources for academic subjects, movement, cooking and health, music and art, and more. The site has only …
Zinn is a free resource bank of history materials, lessons, and activities for students modeled on Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States. Resources can be filtered by grade level, time period, resource type, and theme. Lessons include articles to read, questions for students, and handouts. Resources are heavily biased towards the upper …
Little Sponges is an interactive, dual language curriculum for English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, and Russian. In every activity, there is a character speaking the non-English language and one speaking the English one. The program works both for English speakers wanting to learn an additional language and for non-English speakers wanting to learn English with …
TeachTown provides Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) aligned curriculum and resources for students with intellectual disabilities and Autism. Most of their products are designed to be used by Speech and Language Pathologists or special education teachers but call also be used by parents. They have a play curriculum for young children, middle and elementary school social …
Epic is a digital library for students with over 40,000 titles. As students read books, they earn badges and their reading progress is tracked. Students can also take quizzes on books and have some books read to them as the words are highlighted. Epic also has educational videos on books, authors, and other topics like …
Looking for physical activities to do in the home? Go Noodle has movement, mindfulness, and yoga videos for students as well as downloadable resources and recommendations for offline activities. Resources are available in Spanish as well as English. They even have games for phones/devices that are designed to tired kids out and to leave them …
ReadTheory is a free and interactive reading comprehension program. Students begin the program with a ten question pretest that determines their baseline reading level for the program. Then they are given leveled passages to read and answer multiple choice questions on. When they get the question right, they get a knowledge point. When they get …