Category: Social Emotional Learning

Resources for parents and teachers

Sesame Street in Communities

Sesame Street is working with communities to provide support for education for educators and families. They provide information, resources, and activities for a range of subjects and topics from reading and math to social emotional learning and traumatic experiences.

Buffalo State School Away from School

Buffalo State’s School of Education has created a beautiful and well organized resource bank for school away from school. They have sample schedules for students and families, advice for parents on things like creating your new normal, and resources for academic subjects, movement, cooking and health, music and art, and more. The site has only …

Active Learning Space

Active Learning Space provides curriculum-based learning for educators, learners, and families to support learners of all abilities levels. This programs supports learners with multiple disabilities through research-based strategies, interventions, and instruction. They provide support for younger and older learners, ideas for goal setting, and support for progress monitoring and connecting materials to goals.

Filtering Upsetting Statements

This activity set from Fort Bend schools has visuals and an explanation to help students learn to filter out statements that might be upsetting to others– crucial when everyone is locked in the same house for weeks on end!


Do2Learn is a site for students with disabilities. It has a social skills activity box with social stories and activities, behavior regulation story strips, songs and games focused on social skills and safety, and some printable PECs style cards.

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

Let’s Catch Kids Being Good, and Reinforce Their Positive Choices PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) programs address the need for increased interventions in the areas of social, emotional, and behavioral support. The ultimate goal is to recognize and reinforce positive and pro-social behaviors. For example, if a kid displays positive behaviors related to the skill …

Khan Academy

This is a fantastic learning platform that can be used for providing sequential courses across content areas. It is free to create an account and provides access to courses and resources from preschool to college level. Students can practice skills without an account, but will not be able to save their work without creating an …

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