A learning online community for educators and families to create and share lessons and resources. Sign up is free to access 400,000 free resources, lesson plans, and professional development opportunities.
TextProject provides educators, tutors, students, and families research-based reading strategies, materials and resources. They provide a digital library of texts. They provide reading instruction guides for building fluency, comprehension skills, spelling, vocabulary, and more. Resources and texts can be printed or use online. TextProject is free, common core-aligned, and researched-based.
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) promotes high-quality classroom resources for grades pre-k-12. There are various resources that educators can access, such as classroom resources, professional development, and literature. Members have access to the most resources but non-members can benefit too! For example, in the classroom resources section, non-members have access to all …
NAEYC is providing a free math toolkit for at home learning. They provide material, research, guidelines, and common core-aligned content for online instruction. The site offers free research based resources for teachers and families to support math instruction and student progress.
Teachers and students can create a free account and receive access to a variety of resources for grades preschool to high school for online learning at home. Parents can also sign up as informal educators. Teachers can connect their account to their google classrooms to support ease of use and communication to students. Teachers and …
Lakeshore is providing more than 1,000 free resources during COVID-19. They are providing lesson plans across grade levels, activities, templates, writing prompts, and craft ideas. Lakeshore is a store that provides a wide-range of elementary school resources. The free resources they are providing support online learning at home for teachers, parents/guardians, families, and students.
Reading A-Z provides reading resources for use online or in the classroom. Students can access a variety of texts and resources that are Common core-aligned. For student access through a school or teacher, students will need their login. If they have it, it has tons of books and comprehension questions to go with each book. …
IXL provides a comprehensive math curriculum for schools, teachers, and families. It provides placement assessments, progress reporting, and individualized student guidance. This site is great for math instruction for families and teachers. Usually it would cost to become a member, but they are providing resources and instruction during school closures for free. They organize resources …