Category: H.S. math

Resources for parents and teachers

The NSF Science Zone app (Free).

Download the NSF Science Zone app (FREE!) Access and navigate hundreds of exciting videos and high-resolution photos from a wide array of science topics. You can have students select a video a day or assign one. NSF Science Zone is available for free on the Apple App Store for all iOS mobile devices and on …

National Science Foundation

The National Science Foundation has a resource bank of classroom activities sorted by topics from physics to computing to neuroscience. Each page has links to external resources for that topic. Note that a lot of the resources are geared at teachers and focus on lesson plans and curriculum, rather than materials for students. However, each …


PhET has over 130 free math and science simulations for students– and over 2000 lessons to go with them. Many of the simulations are available in multiple languages. The site provides simulations of hand-on science topics and be sorted by grade level, topic, and/or the device that the student is using. All are free and …

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) promotes high-quality classroom resources for grades pre-k-12. There are various resources that educators can access, such as classroom resources, professional development, and literature. Members have access to the most resources but non-members can benefit too! For example, in the classroom resources section, non-members have access to all …

The Essence of Calculus

The Essence of Calculus (3Blue1Brown) is a 12 part video series that gets at calculus concepts without dealing too much with calculations (e.g. derivation and integration). The videos are accessible to students and well designed.  

Nancy Pi

Nancy Pi’s Excellent Math Walkthroughs for Algebra and Beyond Nancy is an MIT grad who *slowly and carefully* walks through mathematics procedures ranging from Algebra 1 through second year calculus. The videos are essential for understanding step-by-step calculations, but they are not heavily focused on concepts (for that, see a different series). They’re excellent for …

Desmos calculator activities

Desmos is an online graphic calculator available for free to students. The Desmos website also provides activities for students categorized by topic for high school level math topics. Teachers and caregivers can access the teacher resource page here to browse for your activity and grade level. To view activities, students can go to and …


NAEYC is providing a free math toolkit for at home learning. They provide material, research, guidelines, and common core-aligned content for online instruction. The site offers free research based resources for teachers and families to support math instruction and student progress. 

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