How to review an existing resource

Resources for parents and teachers

In addition to adding new resources, you can easily review existing resources!

The more reviews for each resource the better. That makes our ratings more accurate and also helps new visitors quickly recognize which resources are more or less popular. The best thing about reviewing an existing resource is that you don’t have to establish an account to do it! Just follow the steps below.


Go to the resource you want to review

Click "Add comment"

If you are not logged in, you will be asked to give your name, email, and website (if applicable). If you are logged in,  you won't see this and can skip a step.

Give the resource one to five stars in each of the three areas listed for review-- educational quality, affordability, and ease of use.

Write a comment. Let other people know the ins and outs of this resource!

Then click "Send" and you are done! You should see your comment post right away. 

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