Special Education Resources

Resources for parents and teachers

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Specific special education resources

Note that Quality is scored from 1 to 100 and is an average of the affordability, ease of use, and educational quality scores given by site users.

Resource NameDescriptionTagsCostQualityhf:tags
NewselaNewsela is one of the most comprehensive resources out there. The site has news stories, organized by current events or by subject, and activities for …, , , 0.0093.33differentiation news free-during-covid-19 sld
BookshareBookshare is a free reading resource for individuals with reading or visual disabilities. Teachers or parents can sign students up. Once they have an account, …, , 0.0060.00visual-impairment sld assistive-tech-at
Read&Write for ChromeRead & Write is a Chrome extension that, for the free version, adds screen reading to any site. Basically, it allows students to go to …, , , 0.0076.67sld adhd assistive-tech-at screen-reader
LaliloLalilo is an online phonics and comprehension program that is totally free for parents and teachers during the Covid-19 school closures. Parents and teachers can …, 0.0096.67free-during-covid-19 sld
AIM VAAIM Virginia is a resource bank of accessible instructional materials for Virginia residents. Virginia teachers need to add accessible texts to a student’s IEP and …, , 0.0073.33sld virginia visual-impairment
Positive Behavioral Interventions and SupportsLet’s Catch Kids Being Good, and Reinforce Their Positive Choices PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) programs address the need for increased interventions in the …0.0096.67social-emotional-learning-sel
AmplifyAmplify has assembled a resource bank for students K-8 of free educational materials. Their site includes novel studies for elementary and middle school students, an adaptive …0.0093.33
Do2LearnDo2Learn is a site for students with disabilities. It has a social skills activity box with social stories and activities, behavior regulation story strips, songs …, , 0.0073.33autism adhd emotional-disturbance-ed
Autism CircuitIf you are looking for materials to make your own choice boards, behavior cue boards, or anything in the picture communication family, this site is …, 0.0086.67autism speech-and-language
Social Stories for Social DistancingThis site has social stories and communication boards about handwashing, social distancing, and the virus. This school closing tool kit from Fort Bend schools is …, , 0.0086.67autism speech-and-language communication
Self Control Channel ChangerA resource created by the Fort Bend school district, this activity helps parents create self control channel changers with their children as a self-regulation tool., , 0.0086.67emotional-disturbance-ed autism adhd
Filtering Upsetting StatementsThis activity set from Fort Bend schools has visuals and an explanation to help students learn to filter out statements that might be upsetting to …, 0.0086.67autism speech-and-language
American Sign Language Stories & VideosThese videos from Rocky Mountain schools are read aloud in ASL. Students can see the text and the signs that go with it. This video …, 0.0086.67deaf-and-hard-of-hearing asl
Teach your monster to readThis interactive game teaches phonics from letters and sounds to full sentences. It’s free but you do have to sign up for it.0.0080.00phonics
HelpKidzLearnHelpKidzLearn is an online learning platform for special education offering a 14 day free trial during school closures. Many of their products are available for …, 3.0080.00autism intellectual-disability
NessyNessy provides programs to help learners of all abilities to read, write, spell, and type. The programs are designed to support students who learn differently …, , , , 0.0093.33homeschool free-during-covid-19 typing dyslexia spelling
Sensory ActivitiesLittle Bins for Little Hands has about fifty different sensory play activities. Note that their page has lots of ads so be careful where you …, 0.0080.00occupational-therapy-ot sensory
Active Learning SpaceActive Learning Space provides curriculum-based learning for educators, learners, and families to support learners of all abilities levels. This programs supports learners with multiple disabilities …, , , , 0.0093.33progress-monitoring multipledisabilities active-learning intervention goal-setting
HomerHOMER is an early reading program that provides thousands of lessons, resources, and activities are available with a subscription that are based on the student’s …, , , , , , , , 3.70+66.67letters letter-tracing memory fine-motor-skills drawing stories fluency phonics sight-words
TeachTownTeachTown provides Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) aligned curriculum and resources for students with intellectual disabilities and Autism. Most of their products are designed to be …, , , 29.9968.33autism intellectual-disability communication social-skills
Occupational Therapy ResourcesThese fabulous occupational therapists created a Google doc of occupational therapy activities and links to sites with resources parents can use in the home. The …0.0095.00occupational-therapy-ot
TwinklTwinkl provides curriculum, resources, material, activities, lessons and more for educators, students, and families. Resources from Twinkl can be used with google classroom or any …, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 0.0090.00subtraction phonics crafts coloring games sel comprehension-skills ccss fluency multiplication division fractions free-resources free-during-covid-19 addition asl
TextProjectTextProject provides educators, tutors, students, and families research-based reading strategies, materials and resources. They provide a digital library of texts. They provide reading instruction guides …, , , , , 0.00100.00spelling ccss vocabulary common-core comprehension-skills fluency
Clarkness.comClarkness.com is a great resource for stories, texts, and ebooks for beginning and struggling readers. Resources are printable and are available online and for download …, , , 0.0096.67sight-words independent-reading stories fluency
ShareMyLessonA learning online community for educators and families to create and share lessons and resources. Sign up is free to access 400,000 free resources, lesson …, , , , , , 0.0093.33free-during-covid-19 lesson-plans common-core free-resources projects comprehension professional-development
Tales2goTales2go has a multitude of different leveled books provided to learners in an audiobook format. Their goals is to provide all levels of readers access …, , , 29.99+66.67decoding word-knowledge comprehension audiobook
Sesame Street in CommunitiesSesame Street is working with communities to provide support for education for educators and families. They provide information, resources, and activities for a range of …, , , , , , , , , , , 0.0093.33autism stem health free-during-covid-19 family siblings math-concepts trauma resilience language free-resources reading-skills
Paths to LiteracyPaths to Literacy provides literacy instruction, strategies, lessons, resources, activities, and articles for learners who are blind or visually impaired. Free to register., , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 0.0090.00listening-skills autism tactile-skills visual-impairment assisstive-technology multipledisabilities oral-language-skills communication blind low-vision dual-media stories language english-language-learners common-core literacy early-literacy auditory-strategies
Cerebral Palsy Guide0.0096.67
Broad resources that might be useful
Resource NameDescriptionCategoriesCostQualityhf:categories
ReadWorksReadWorks.org provides research-based reading comprehension instruction, material, curriculum, assignments, and texts for kindergarten to 12th grade. It’s free for to sign up. You can access …, , , , , 0.0083.33allgrades allsubjects multiskill curriculum progressive book gradelevel subject resourcetype
Khan AcademyThis is a fantastic learning platform that can be used for providing sequential courses across content areas. It is free to create an account and …, , , , , 0.0083.33sel allgrades allsubjects multiskill curriculum progressive subject gradelevel resourcetype
SeesawSeesaw is a learning platform being used by grades K-12. It provides activities and lessons that are already setup for teachers and students. It provides …, , , , 0.0090.00allgrades allsubjects multiskill curriculum activities gradelevel subject resourcetype
OutschoolOutschool is a learning platform that provide teachers, students, and parents with a wide range of subjects to learn about, as well as live online …, , , , 5.00 - 245.0066.67allgrades allsubjects multiskill curriculum progressive gradelevel subject resourcetype
LakeshoreLakeshore is providing more than 1,000 free resources during COVID-19. They are providing lesson plans across grade levels, activities, templates, writing prompts, and craft ideas. …, , , , 0.0080.00allgrades allsubjects multiskill curriculum book gradelevel subject resourcetype
PBS LearningMediaTeachers and students can create a free account and receive access to a variety of resources for grades preschool to high school for online learning …, , , , 0.0080.00allgrades allsubjects multiskill book videos gradelevel subject resourcetype
BrainPOPThis site provides lessons for ELA, Math, Science, Art, and more. They are providing free access to schools, teachers, and families during school closures due …, , , 0.0086.67allgrades allsubjects multiskill videos gradelevel subject resourcetype
Sun West School DivisionThe Sun West School Division in Canada has an amazing array of free resources for teachers and parents on their website available for free and, …, , 0.0094.00allgrades allsubjects multiskill gradelevel subject resourcetype
WUSF at HomeWUSF has created a list of websites and resources with games for students to play during their time at home., , , , 0.0096.67allsubjects reading math uncategorized activities subject
MobyMaxMobyMax provides a complete curriculum along with assessments for educators and families. It is free to sign up for a teacher account. You can create …, , , , 0.0096.67subject allgrades allsubjects gradelevel resourcetype
FlipgridFlipgrid provides educators with a free and easy to use online learning platform. It provides resources for learners, educators, and families for learning online or …, , , , , , , 0.0090.00subject allsubjects gradelevel allgrades resourcetype multiskill uncategorized videos
Active Learning SpaceActive Learning Space provides curriculum-based learning for educators, learners, and families to support learners of all abilities levels. This programs supports learners with multiple disabilities …, , , , , , 0.0093.33sel allgrades allsubjects multiskill curriculum specialeducation progressive subject gradelevel resourcetype
Go Open VAGo Open VA is a searchable database of open source educational resources compiled by Virginia teachers. There are categories for each subject, standard, and grade …, 0.0063.33allgrades allsubjects gradelevel subject
New Kent Distance LearningNew Kent County Public Schools in Virginia has pulled together grade level packets for each grade level that can be printed and do not rely …, , 0.0096.67offline allgrades allsubjects resourcetype gradelevel subject
Buffalo State School Away from SchoolBuffalo State’s School of Education has created a beautiful and well organized resource bank for school away from school. They have sample schedules for students …, , , , 0.0095.00sel allgrades allsubjects multiskill covid19 subject gradelevel resourcetype
TwinklTwinkl provides curriculum, resources, material, activities, lessons and more for educators, students, and families. Resources from Twinkl can be used with google classroom or any …, , , , , , , , , 0.0090.00multilingual subject gradelevel allsubjects multiskill elementary specialeducation curriculum progressive esol resourcetype
ShareMyLessonA learning online community for educators and families to create and share lessons and resources. Sign up is free to access 400,000 free resources, lesson …, , , , , , , , , 0.0093.33allgrades allsubjects multiskill highschoolsubject specialeducation curriculum for-families progressive videos activities gradelevel subject resourcetype
ABCmouse.comABCmouse.com is a subscription-based program for educators and families. They provide common core-align curriculum and lesson plans for online learning. Printable resources are available. There …, , , , , , , , , , , , , 9.95+83.33prek allsubjects elementary multiskill curriculum kindergarten for-families progressive firstgrade book secondgrade videos arts activities gradelevel subject resourcetype
Sesame Street in CommunitiesSesame Street is working with communities to provide support for education for educators and families. They provide information, resources, and activities for a range of …, , , , , , , , 0.0093.33sel allsubjects multiskill elementary specialeducation for-families videos activities covid19 subject resourcetype gradelevel
Teaching Special Education Online During COVID-19 Slides Teaching Special Education Online During COVID-19 Slides ((here) from Council for Exceptional Children (K-12).  Text version for best practices for educating online here. Teaching Special …, , 0.0090.00allgrades allsubjects multiskill gradelevel subject resourcetype
250+ Amazing Online Learning ResourcesWe are Teachers compiled a list of free tools for teachers.  Many are able to be used for various supports or strategies, they describe how. …, , , , 0.0090.00allgrades allsubjects multiskill highschoolsubject for-families gradelevel subject resourcetype
121 Tools for Distance Learning & Strategies for Student EngagementA comprehensive compilation of online tools.  This list is broken down to support content area teachers to find content easily, while keeping your students engaged. …, , 0.0093.33gradelevel allgrades allsubjects subject
NY Times for High School Students (free).The New York Times is available to high schools across the U.S. — for free.  Enjoy free digital access from April 6 to July 6. …, 0.00100.00allsubjects highschoolsubject subject


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