Browse social studies resources here:
Note that Quality is scored from 1 to 100 and is an average of the affordability, ease of use, and educational quality scores given by site users.
Resource Name | Description | Categories | Cost | Quality | hf:categories |
Newsela | Newsela is one of the most comprehensive resources out there. The site has news stories, organized by current events or by subject, and activities for … | All grades, Special Education, Curriculum, Book, ELA, Science, Social Studies | 0.00 | 93.33 | allgrades specialeducation curriculum book multisubjects gradelevel subject resourcetype |
ReadWorks | provides research-based reading comprehension instruction, material, curriculum, assignments, and texts for kindergarten to 12th grade. It’s free for to sign up. You can access … | All grades, All subjects, Multi-skill, Curriculum, Progressive, Book | 0.00 | 83.33 | allgrades allsubjects multiskill curriculum progressive book gradelevel subject resourcetype |
Khan Academy | This is a fantastic learning platform that can be used for providing sequential courses across content areas. It is free to create an account and … | Social Emotional Learning, All grades, All subjects, Multi-skill, Curriculum, Progressive | 0.00 | 83.33 | sel allgrades allsubjects multiskill curriculum progressive subject gradelevel resourcetype |
Seesaw | Seesaw is a learning platform being used by grades K-12. It provides activities and lessons that are already setup for teachers and students. It provides … | All grades, All subjects, Multi-skill, Curriculum, Activities | 0.00 | 90.00 | allgrades allsubjects multiskill curriculum activities gradelevel subject resourcetype |
Outschool | Outschool is a learning platform that provide teachers, students, and parents with a wide range of subjects to learn about, as well as live online … | All subjects, All grades, Multi-skill, Curriculum, Progressive | 5.00 - 245.00 | 66.67 | allsubjects allgrades multiskill curriculum progressive subject gradelevel resourcetype |
Reading A to Z | Reading A-Z provides reading resources for use online or in the classroom. Students can access a variety of texts and resources that are Common core-aligned. … | Elementary, Curriculum, Progressive, Book, Videos, Activities, ELA, Science, Social Studies | 0.00 | 56.67 | elementary curriculum progressive book videos activities multisubjects gradelevel resourcetype subject |
Lakeshore | Lakeshore is providing more than 1,000 free resources during COVID-19. They are providing lesson plans across grade levels, activities, templates, writing prompts, and craft ideas. … | All grades, All subjects, Multi-skill, Curriculum, Book | 0.00 | 80.00 | allgrades allsubjects multiskill curriculum book gradelevel subject resourcetype |
PBS LearningMedia | Teachers and students can create a free account and receive access to a variety of resources for grades preschool to high school for online learning … | All grades, All subjects, Multi-skill, Book, Videos | 0.00 | 80.00 | allgrades allsubjects multiskill book videos gradelevel subject resourcetype |
BrainPOP | This site provides lessons for ELA, Math, Science, Art, and more. They are providing free access to schools, teachers, and families during school closures due … | All subjects, All grades, Multi-skill, Videos | 0.00 | 86.67 | allsubjects allgrades multiskill videos subject gradelevel resourcetype |
Sun West School Division | The Sun West School Division in Canada has an amazing array of free resources for teachers and parents on their website available for free and, … | All grades, All subjects, Multi-skill | 0.00 | 94.00 | allgrades allsubjects multiskill gradelevel subject resourcetype |
WUSF at Home | WUSF has created a list of websites and resources with games for students to play during their time at home. | All subjects, Reading, To categorize, Math, Activities | 0.00 | 96.67 | allsubjects reading uncategorized math activities subject |
STEM Toys for Kids Stuck at Home During Coronavirus | STEM toys—which help kids build skills in science, technology, engineering, and math—can be a helpful bridge between educational exploration and playtime What sets STEM toys … | Subject, All grades, Reading, Writing, Math, Social Studies, Science, Arts, Activities | 0.00 | 91.67 | subject allgrades reading writing math socialstudies science arts activities gradelevel |
MobyMax | MobyMax provides a complete curriculum along with assessments for educators and families. It is free to sign up for a teacher account. You can create … | Subject, Grade level, All grades, All subjects, Resource type | 0.00 | 96.67 | subject gradelevel allgrades allsubjects resourcetype |
Flipgrid | Flipgrid provides educators with a free and easy to use online learning platform. It provides resources for learners, educators, and families for learning online or … | Subject, Grade level, All grades, All subjects, Resource type, Multi-skill, To categorize, Videos | 0.00 | 90.00 | subject gradelevel allgrades allsubjects resourcetype multiskill uncategorized videos |
Active Learning Space | Active Learning Space provides curriculum-based learning for educators, learners, and families to support learners of all abilities levels. This programs supports learners with multiple disabilities … | Social Emotional Learning, All grades, All subjects, Multi-skill, Curriculum, Special Education, Progressive | 0.00 | 93.33 | sel allgrades allsubjects multiskill curriculum specialeducation progressive subject gradelevel resourcetype |
Go Open VA | Go Open VA is a searchable database of open source educational resources compiled by Virginia teachers. There are categories for each subject, standard, and grade … | All grades, All subjects | 0.00 | 63.33 | allgrades allsubjects gradelevel subject |
New Kent Distance Learning | New Kent County Public Schools in Virginia has pulled together grade level packets for each grade level that can be printed and do not rely … | Offline, All grades, All subjects | 0.00 | 96.67 | offline allgrades allsubjects resourcetype gradelevel subject |
Zinn Education Project | Zinn is a free resource bank of history materials, lessons, and activities for students modeled on Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States. … | H.S. social studies, Curriculum, Social Studies, Sixth grade, Seventh grade, Eighth grade | 0.00 | 86.67 | highschoolsocialstudies curriculum socialstudies sixthgrade seventhgrade eighthgrade highschoolsubject resourcetype subject gradelevel |
Buffalo State School Away from School | Buffalo State’s School of Education has created a beautiful and well organized resource bank for school away from school. They have sample schedules for students … | Social Emotional Learning, All grades, All subjects, Multi-skill, Health & Wellness | 0.00 | 95.00 | sel allgrades allsubjects multiskill covid19 subject gradelevel resourcetype |
Twinkl | Twinkl provides curriculum, resources, material, activities, lessons and more for educators, students, and families. Resources from Twinkl can be used with google classroom or any … | Multilingual, Subject, All subjects, Grade level, Multi-skill, Elementary, Special Education, Curriculum, Progressive, ESOL | 0.00 | 90.00 | multilingual subject allsubjects gradelevel multiskill elementary specialeducation curriculum progressive esol resourcetype |
ShareMyLesson | A learning online community for educators and families to create and share lessons and resources. Sign up is free to access 400,000 free resources, lesson … | All grades, All subjects, Multi-skill, High school and beyond, Special Education, Curriculum, For families, Progressive, Videos, Activities | 0.00 | 93.33 | allgrades allsubjects multiskill highschoolsubject specialeducation curriculum for-families progressive videos activities gradelevel subject resourcetype | | is a subscription-based program for educators and families. They provide common core-align curriculum and lesson plans for online learning. Printable resources are available. There … | PreK, All subjects, Elementary, Multi-skill, Kindergarten, Curriculum, First grade, For families, Progressive, Second grade, Book, Videos, Arts, Activities | 9.95+ | 83.33 | prek allsubjects elementary multiskill kindergarten curriculum firstgrade for-families progressive secondgrade book videos arts activities gradelevel subject resourcetype |
Sesame Street in Communities | Sesame Street is working with communities to provide support for education for educators and families. They provide information, resources, and activities for a range of … | Social Emotional Learning, All subjects, Multi-skill, Elementary, Special Education, For families, Videos, Activities, Health & Wellness | 0.00 | 93.33 | sel allsubjects multiskill elementary specialeducation for-families videos activities covid19 subject resourcetype gradelevel |
Teaching Special Education Online During COVID-19 Slides | Teaching Special Education Online During COVID-19 Slides ((here) from Council for Exceptional Children (K-12). Text version for best practices for educating online here. Teaching Special … | All subjects, All grades, Multi-skill | 0.00 | 90.00 | allsubjects allgrades multiskill subject gradelevel resourcetype |
250+ Amazing Online Learning Resources | We are Teachers compiled a list of free tools for teachers. Many are able to be used for various supports or strategies, they describe how. … | All grades, All subjects, Multi-skill, High school and beyond, For families | 0.00 | 90.00 | allgrades allsubjects multiskill highschoolsubject for-families gradelevel subject resourcetype |
121 Tools for Distance Learning & Strategies for Student Engagement | A comprehensive compilation of online tools. This list is broken down to support content area teachers to find content easily, while keeping your students engaged. … | Grade level, All grades, All subjects | 0.00 | 93.33 | gradelevel allgrades allsubjects subject |
NY Times for High School Students (free). | The New York Times is available to high schools across the U.S. — for free. Enjoy free digital access from April 6 to July 6. … | All subjects, High school and beyond | 0.00 | 100.00 | allsubjects highschoolsubject subject |